Although my writing is often linked to a particular research project, I write for different audiences and in different formats.
Selected academic publications
- Slaven FB, Erasmus Y, Uys M, Bruand P, Magazi B & Wadvalla R (2021). ‘Can a brief training intervention help improve mental health service delivery in South Africa?’ African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 13(1): e1-e6.
- Erasmus Y, Jordaan S & Stewart R (2020) ‘Scoping the impact evaluation capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa.’ African Evaluation Journal, 8 (1): a473.
- Stewart R, Langer L & Erasmus Y (2019). ‘An integrated model for increasing the use of evidence by decision-makers for improved development.’ Development Southern Africa, 36 (5), 616 – 631.
- Erasmus Y, Lötter D, Tannous N & Stewart R (2018) ‘Reflections on per diems in international development: Barriers to and enablers of the project cycle.’ Development Southern Africa, 35 (6): 717 – 730.
- Erasmus Y & Langer L (2018) ‘Does governance type in protected areas matter for poverty? A rapid assessment of the evidence from sub-Saharan Africa’. In Schreckenberg K, Mace G & Poudyal M (eds) Ecosystem services and poverty alleviation: Tradeoffs and governance. London: Routledge: 232-233
- Langer L, Erasmus Y, Tannous N & Stewart R (2018) How stakeholder engagement has led us to reconsider definitions of rigour in systematic reviews. In Haddaway NR, Crowe S (eds) Stakeholder engagement in environmental synthesis. MISTRA EviEM: Stockholm Sweden.
- Stewart R, Wildeman R, Jordaan S, Erasmus Y, Langer L, Maluwa L, Tannous N & Mitchell J (2018). ‘Practical reflections on combining workshops and mentorships to build capacity in demand and use of evidence in government organisations’. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 15(2): 265-276.
- Jordaan S, Stewart R, Erasmus Y, Maluwa L, Mitchell J, Langer L, Wildeman R, Tannous N & Koch J (2018) Reflections on mentoring experiences for evidence-informed decision-making in South Africa and Malawi. Development in Practice, 28:4, 456-467.
- Stewart R, Langer L, Wildemann R, Maluwa L, Erasmus Y, Jordaan S, Lötter D, Mitchell J, Motha P (2017) ‘Building capacity for evidence-informed decision-making: an example from South Africa’. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 14 (2): 241-258.
- Langer L, Erasmus Y, Tannous N, Stewart R (2017) ‘How stakeholder engagement has led us to reconsider definitions of rigour in systematic review.’ Environmental Evidence, 6(20) ISSN 2047-2382.
- Langer L, Stewart R, Erasmus, Y, De Wet, T (2015) ‘The last mile on the long walk to evidence-informed development: building capacity to use research evidence’. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 7 (4): 1-9.
- Stewart R, Erasmus Y, Zaranyika H, Rebelo Da Silva NR, Korth M, Langer L, Madinga N, Randall N, de Wet T (2014) ‘The size and nature of the evidence base for smallholder farming in Africa: a systematic map’. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 6 (1): 58-68.
- Stone, L. and Erasmus, Y (2012) ‘Race thinking and the law in post-1994 South Africa.’ Transformation 79:119-143.
- Erasmus, Y. and Ellison, G.T.H (2008) ‘What can we learn about the meaning of race from the classification of population groups during apartheid?’ South African Journal of Science (2009) 104 (11/12): 450-452.
- Erasmus, Y. and Park, Y.J (2008) ‘Racial classification, redress and citizenship: The case of the Chinese South Africans’ Commentary piece for the journal Transformation 68: 99 – 109.
- Erasmus, Y. and Ellison, G.T.H (2005) ‘Race reclassification and socio-political hierarchy in apartheid South Africa’. Annals of Human Biology 32(6):792.
Systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses
- Erasmus, Y, Pantelic, M. and Shackleton, S. (2018) A systematic evidence map: eHealth for HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations worldwide. A user guide. Africa Centre for Evidence and International HIV/AIDS Alliance. To access more information about the project and to access the map, click here.
- Langer L, Erasmus Y, Tannous N, Obuku E, Ravat Z, Chisoro C, Opondo M, Nduku P, Tripney J, van Rooyen C & Stewart R (2018) Women in wage labour: A systematic review of effects. Summary report London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education, University College London.
- Erasmus Y, Langer L (2017) ‘Does governance type in protected areas matter for poverty? A Rapid Assessment of the Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.’ Johannesburg: Africa Centre for Evidence.
- Erasmus Y, Tannous N, Langer, L (2017) A systematic map of evidence on the links between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation in Africa: A user guide. Africa Centre for Evidence.
- Langer L, Tripney J, Erasmus Y, Tannous N, Chisoro C, Opondo M, Zigana L, Obuku E, van Rooyen C, Stewart R (2017) Women in wage labour: A systematic review of the effectiveness and design features of interventions supporting women’s participation in wage labour in higher growth and/or male-dominated sectors in LMICs. A systematic Review Protocol. London: EPPI Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education, University College London.
- Stewart R, Langer L, Rebelo Rebelo Da Silva N, Muchiri E, Zaranyika H, Erasmus Y, Randall N, Rafferty S, Korth M, Madinga N, de Wet T (2015) The Effects of Training, Innovation and New Technology on African Smallholder Farmers’ Economic Outcomes and Food Security: A Systematic Review. The Campbell Library.
Commissioned reports / publications
- For the Foundation for Professional Development (FPD) (2017): Rapid assessments and gap analyses of post-violence care services at public health facilities in eThekwini (North, South & West), UMkhanyakude, and City of Johannesburg (sub-districts A, D, E & G)
- Erasmus. Y (2009) ‘The South African Human Rights Commission: Critically reflecting on an institutional journey,’ 2002 – 2009. SAHRC.
- Rehbein, B. and Erasmus, Y (2008) ‘Global Studies Programme’ in Nuenning. A. (ed.) Lost or Found in Translation, Muenster: LIT.
- Stone, L and Erasmus Y (2008) ‘Race thinking and the law in post-1994 South Africa.’ Report requested by the Centre for the Critical Study of Race and Identity (ccrri) at UKZN.
- Erasmus, Y and Stone, L (2008) ‘“Facts, ‘distortions of the facts’, and fiction: Brief comments on the CASA judgment and its implications”’. China Monitor, Issue 31, July 2008.
- Erasmus, Y. and Luck, K. 2005. ‘Rapid Assessment: Theory and methods.’ Young Lives – An international study on childhood poverty.
OP-EDS and blogs
- Why the illegal eviction and occupation land Act matters and should be defended, Nerishka Singh, Nkosinathi Sithole, and Yvonne Erasmus, Mail & Guardian (10 January 2023)
- The impact of South Africa’s employment law reform on the right to work of non-citizens, Mulesa Lumina, Yvonne Erasmus, and Sharon Ekambaram, Oxford Human Rights Hub (5 October 2022)
- How evictions law has been implemented in the lower Courts in South Africa, Yvonne Erasmus and Nerishka Singh, Oxford Human Rights Hub (2 June 2022)
- Joburg court flouts rights to housing, Nerishka Singh and Yvonne Erasmus, New Frame (1 April 2022)
- Marikana and the many faces of justice, Yvonne Erasmus, Daily Maverick (22 August 2021)
- A variety of research reports for TNS Opinion (Belgium, Brussels) based on their research conducted on the European Union.
- Writing assignments for ITL Design, a graphic design and communications company in Johannesburg, South Africa. Examples of work done include writing success stories for clients working in the field of HIV/AIDS and writing content for newsletters and websites.
Peer review
- I have acted as peer reviewer for the South African Historical Journal.